
Before You Get Started!

Before getting into the content we just need to make sure that you understand who we are and who we are not.

  1. We are not financial advisors or legal professionals and nothing in this course should be construed as legal or financial advice.
  2. We strongly suggest that you get professional advice from the most qualified person(s) when it comes to financial, legal or accounting decisions, either when purchasing a property or setting up a company.

This course has been created to explain the various elements and moving-parts of investing in buy-to-let. 

But please note:

The property investment industry is always changing, especially with regard to national and local legislation and laws and systems around taxation.

With that in mind, we want to emphasise that the information and tools provided within this course are based on our experience only.

Our hope is that we can explain what property investment involves and what you should consider, helping you build foundations upon which you can build your successes.

What we are not providing, however, is anything that could or should be considered a substitution for you seeking, further, expert advice before you act.

To read our full disclaimers, click here.